The official website of educator Jack C Richards

Concerts in support of the Gisborne International Music Competition 2019/2020

Dr. Richards sponsored a number of fundraising concerts over the New Zealand summer.

On December 15th 2019 at the Lawson Field Theater in Gisborne three outstanding  New Zealand pianists Maria Mo, Lixin Zhang and Tony Tay Tong Chen performed at three concerts:

  • Concert 1:  With music by Ravel, Albeniz, Manuel de Falla, Granados, Marquez
  • Concert 2: With music by Brahms (the complete waltzes), Beethoven, Schubert, and Chopin
  • Concert 3: With music by Berg, Scriabin, Janacek Prokofiev, and Psathas

 On Sunday January 26th 2020 Baritone William King with associate artist Bruce Greenfield (piano) presented the following programme at Tiromoana:

  • Kaddisch — Ravel
  • Dichterliebe — Schumann
  • Silent Noon — Vaughan Williams
  • King David — Howells
  • Rivolgete a lui lo sguardo — Mozart, Cosi Fan tutte

On Sunday February 9th  2020 Sydney pianist Paul Cheung played at Tiromoana. His programme was:

  • F. Chopin The complete Preludes Op. 28
  • F. Kreisler (arr. S. Rachmaninoff) Liebesleid
  • S. Rachmaninoff Sonata No. 2 in Bb minor, Op. 36

Celebrations at City University in Hong Kong

Professor Richards was the guest of honor at celebrations in October 2019 at City University in Hong Kong to mark the 30th anniversary of the Department of English. Professor Richards was the first head of the department.

During his visit Professor Richards gave a public lecture and also sponsored a piano recital by Australian pianist Tony Lee and New Zealand pianist Lixin Zhang.

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Confirmed Presentations in 2019

March 8-10, 2019:

  • Kongu Engineering University, Tamil Nadu, India. Lecture series sponsored by the Department of English

March 13, 2019:

  • Product and Process in Program Evaluation. Paper presented at RELC Conference, Singapore

May 3, 2019:

  • Developing a college English Coursebook series for Chinese University Students.
  • Lecture: Victoria University, Wellington New Zealand

May 25, 2019:

  • Plenary address: KOTESOL Conference, Jeonju, South Korea

July 2019:

  • Teaching in the Diploma in Applied Linguistics Program, RELC Singapore

July 29, 2019:

  • Plenary address: International Conference on language teaching. Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Sponsorship for young New Zealand pianists

Dr, Richards provides support for young New Zealand pianists to study at musical academies in Spain and Switzerland:

Valencia, Spain: July 2019 – Lixin Zhang & Tony Yan Tong Chen

Blonay, Switzerland: August 2019 – Lixin Zhang, Delvan Lin, Tony Yan Tong Chen, Lorelle McNaughton and Ashani Waidyatillake

New Series of Practical Booklets for Teachers

Dr Richards and his colleague at the Regional Language Centre, Singapore - Dr  Marie Yeo - are editing a new series of practical low cost booklets for teachers and teacher trainers.

The first three titles in the new series are now available, and include one by Dr Richards called Planning a Language Course: Principles and Procedures.




Professor at the top of his game

Gisborne’s Professor Jack Richards has been named one of the 50 most influential language teaching specialists in the world — and the only Kiwi. Reporter Kim Parkinson meets the man known for his generosity in supporting the arts, at his summer home Tiromoana in Okitu.

Read the rest of the Gisborne Herald article here.


Confirmed events and activities from Dr.Richards’ Calendar for 2018

April 2018:

  • Plenary lecture at the RELC Seminar, Singapore.
  • Plenary lecture at the ASEAN ELT Conference, Malacca, Malaysia.
  • Lectures to the MA class at City University, Hong Kong.
  • Presentation to the Hong Kong Association of Applied linguistics.

May 2018:

  • Lectures at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, China

July 2018:

  • Course on teaching listening and speaking: RELC Diploma n Applied Linguistics, RELC Singapore

September 2018:

  • Workshop on curriculum development: TESOL Research Colloquium, Sydney University

October 2018:

  • Keynote address. National ELT Conference, Beijing, China.

Debut CD by Tony Chen Lin

Jack Richards has sponsored a debut CD  – Digressions – by pianist Tony Chen Lin (New Zealand/Germany). The CD contains Tony’s performance of Bartók’s Piano Sonata, Bach’s French Suite No.5, Schumann’s Humoreske and Tony’s own composition Digression (Meditation on R.S.). The CD is produced by the New Zealand music label Rattle.

The CD was launched at a reception at Jack’s Wellington apartment on April 7 2018.

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NZ Concerts by Jun Hong Loh & Tony Chen Lin

In April 2018 Jack Richards sponsored a series of concerts in New Zealand by Singapore violinist Jun Hong Loh (winner of the 2015 Gisborne International Music Competition) and pianist Tony Chen Lin. Their program consisted of music by Mozart, Gao Ping, and Grieg.

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Tiromoana in NZ Gardener

Professor Richards’ home in Gisborne has been featured in NZ Gardener Magazine

There comes a time in a well-travelled person’s life when the siren song of home becomes more insistent.

For many years, Jack Richards, a professor of linguistics, and his partner, Won Gyu Moon, divided their time between international work commitments, and their homes in Sydney and Korea. Richards’ frenetic schedule of lecturing, writing and touring made breaks in his home town of Gisborne all the more precious…

The article is available online here: Gisborne’s Garden Over the Sea: A Sanctuary for Nature and Art

Current Scholarships and Grants 2018

  • Jack Richards sponsored recordings of CDs by Tony Chen Lin (piano) and Lixin Zhang. Both CDs will be published by Rattle Records, New Zealand
  • In April, Jack Richards is sponsoring a series of recitals by Singaporean violinist Jun Hong Loh (winner of the 2016 Gisborne International Music Competition) and New Zealand pianist Tony Chen Lin.
  • Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne New Zealand– sponsorship of 6 concerts featuring students from the New Zealand School of Music
  • Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne – grant for acquisition (Ruanuku award)
  • Toihoukura program in Contemporary Maori Arts, Gisborne – student scholarships
  • Kiri Te Kanawa Foundation – grant to support the Foundation’s support for emerging opera singers
  • Support for university studies: Lester Cajes Manila; John Yanson Manila; Sedigh Mohammadi  UK
  • Professional development grant: Tony Chen Lin (pianist), New Zealand/Germany
  • Sponsorship of websites for Jun Hong Lo (More Than Music) and Tony Chen Lin.
  • Dr Richards also provides ongoing sponsorship of The Gisborne International Music Competition.

Support for School Chamber Music Groups

Jack Richards is now offering travel support to all competitors who reach the finals in the New Zealand Chamber Music Competition, an annual competition for school chamber music groups that attracts over 500 entrants every year.

Some 40 make their way to the national finals that are held either in Wellington, Auckland or Christchurch and all will now receive a Jack Richards travel grant.

RELC July 2017

Dr. Richards and teachers from Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, India and Singapore taking his course on Curriculum Development, RELC July 2017.

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